The weather looked a little gloomy as about 40 people assembled outside the Culture Vannin headquarters in St John’s at 2.30pm on Saturday, 15th June. However, very shortly after Culture Vannin’s Online and Educational Resources Officer, James Franklin, had led us just a short way to the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh and then across to the Royal Chapel, the clouds cleared and the afternoon was sunny and warm.

James’s guided tour didn’t require too much walking because he had so much fascinating information to tell us about the immediate area and its rich history and folklore. James took us back through geological time, through prehistory and into historic times, and, of course, into that other time and place of folklore.

It was a hugely enjoyable afternoon, with James’s infectious enthusiasm and love of these pieces of history and folklore evident to all and bringing everyone along with him. Gura mie mooar dy jarroo ec James!